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A socially conscious South African. I care about people, I love people and I care about our world. We can make this world a better place for all to live in. You are blessed today-Open you heart and receive the blessings


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Sunday, August 9, 2009

Hilary Promises Stronger Ties with South Africa

Well-the Clinton's always had a close relationship with South Africa. In fact they have close ties with Madiba (Nelson Mandela) and her husband started many community-based projects in our country.

However she now represents a state. A state seen as the global oppressor.

So what are the cost of these stronger ties.

Under the George Bush Administration many people felt a sense of urge to challenge this country. Many protest occured in our country all targeting the US State.

Let the Obama adminsiration deal decisively with aid, africa's debt and agricultural fair trade.

Stronger ties must be based on sound principles of building a better society for all and not one based on inequality.

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