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A socially conscious South African. I care about people, I love people and I care about our world. We can make this world a better place for all to live in. You are blessed today-Open you heart and receive the blessings


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Friday, May 23, 2008

Its Easier to Pry on Your Friends

Armed with new and established Web sites, people are uncovering surprising details about colleagues, lovers and strangers that often don’t turn up in a simple Internet search. Though none of these sites can reveal anything that isn’t already available publicly, they can make it much easier to find. And most of them are free.
Zaba Inc.’s ZabaSearch.com turns up public records such as criminal history and birthdates. Spock Networks Inc.’s Spock.com and Wink Technologies Inc.’s Wink.com are “people-search engines” that specialize in digging up personal pages, such as social-networking profiles, buried deep in the Web. Spokeo.com is a search site operated by Spokeo Inc., a startup that lets users see what their friends are doing on other Web sites.
Have fun

Third Force Behaind Xenophobic Attacks in SA

The police have “concrete evidence” of a suspected third force involvement in attacks in and around Johannesburg, the Gauteng Legislature heard on Tuesday.
The police have “concrete evidence” of a suspected third force involvement in xenophobic attacks in and around Johannesburg, the Gauteng Legislature heard on Tuesday.
“The police now have concrete evidence of those involved in orchestrations and they are dealing with it,” said Gauteng MEC for Sport Barbara Creecy. She was speaking on behalf of Community Safety MEC Firoz Cachalia during a debate on the spate of violence in Gauteng in the past week. Creecy said the total number of arrests related to the unrest now stood at 297.